Blissful Breathwork Facilitator & Author

Níall Ó Murchú, a distinguished wellness expert, is set to share his transformative wisdom at Nourish and Flow.

Renowned for his bestselling books "The Blissful Breath" and his new release "The Power of Cold," which has featured on Oprah Winfrey's website,  Níall's journey into breathwork and holistic well-being spans over two decades. Níall empowers individuals globally through breath, nature, and cold exposure. His expertise extends to coherent breathing, Breath-Body-Mind techniques, herbalism, and shamanic healing, with a notable feature as a ceremonial cacao facilitator.

Níall will be a featured host at Nourish and Flow, leading a connected conscious breathwork and ceremonial cacao ceremony. Delighted to have him, Nourish and Flow welcomes Níall, whose transformative practices will enrich the event. Attendees can anticipate a unique holistic experience guided by Níall's insights.

Join us at Nourish and Flow to delve into the profound effects of breathwork and ceremonial cacao with Níall Ó Murchú, a beacon of wellness wisdom.