Holistic Therapist

Meet Joan McCabe, a beacon of healing and transformation at Nourish and Flow. Transitioning from a dedicated military paramedic of 21 years to a holistic therapist, Joan's journey is a testament to resilience and self-discovery. Founded in late 2015, her own holistic venture became a canvas for her expertise in complementary and alternative therapies, each rooted in her personal journey of growth and healing.

Joan intimately understands the complexities of menopause, having navigated through "early or premature" menopause herself. Her journey, from perimenopause in her early thirties to post-menopause by 42, has deeply shaped her understanding and empathy. Sharing her story is not just a gesture of solidarity but a testament to the transformative power of experience.

With Joan by your side, you're not just receiving therapy; you're embarking on a journey of empowerment and self-discovery.

Treatments on Offer from Joan

~ Tibetan Bowl Sound Therapy

~ Seichim

~ Rahanni Celestial Healing

~ Reiki Healing

~ Acupressure Facial Massage

~ Reflexology

~ Indian Head Massage

~ Tension Release Massage

~ Well Woman Abdominal Massage